Knowledge Session: Integrity and Regulation in Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS)
Water Integrity Network (WIN) is hosting a knowledge session in Kigali, Rwanda to deepen participants’ understanding of regulation in CWIS, specifically integrity linkages. The session shall explore particular case studies and the opportunities and challenges faced in practice.
This knowledge session aims to provide an opportunity for participants to share information and build an understanding of regulation and integrity in CWIS (and to develop a network for future communication). It will also further support participants in considering how to take this forward in their own context
(integrity champion).
This session is structured into two parts:
1.2 Basics of regulation: This part will explore the definition of regulation and the key role that regulators play in securing citywide inclusive sanitation services. Additionally, we will examine the need to regulate sanitation services, including both sewered and non-sewered systems.
1.3 Integrity of regulators: This part will focus on how regulators can drive integrity within their organisations. By adopting an integrity perspective, this part also explores different measures to regulate with integrity in the sanitation sector.