Application for membership shall be by letter to the Executive Secretary of the ESAWAS Regulators Association Secretariat any time stating:
- The full names of the applicant – the institution applying
- Regulatory scope – mandate and what services are regulated
- Organisation structure – policy or legal provision for the mandate. How the institution is headed.
- Type of membership
- A Member is any autonomous water supply and sanitation regulatory body that subscribes and ratifies the Constitution and pays the one-off membership fee and annual subscription as prescribed in the First Schedule under the Rules.
- A Member is also the regulatory body that was party to the creation and registration of the Association as a legal entity and pays the annual subscription as prescribed in the First Schedule under these Rules.
- Members may serve on appointed committees, host the Annual General meeting, vote at the Annual General Meeting, hold office, participate in all Strategic Plan activities and have access to all documents and publications of the ESAWAS Regulators
Associate Members
- An Associate Member is any Government department undertaking water supply and sanitation regulatory activities and pays the one-off membership fee and annual subscription as prescribed in the First Schedule under these Rules.
- An Associate Member may serve on appointed committees, host an Annual General Meeting, participate in some Strategic Plan activities and have access to some documents and publications of the ESAWAS Regulators Association as determined by the Annual General meeting or Executive Committee from time to time.
- The Associate Member may not vote at the Annual General Meeting or hold office.
Affiliate Member
- An Affiliate Member is any other regulatory partner as identified by the Annual General Meeting and pays the one-off membership fee and annual subscription as prescribed in the First Schedule under these Rules. Affiliate members may not necessarily be water supply and sanitation regulatory bodies.
- An Affiliate Member may participate in some Strategic Plan activities and have access to some documents and publications of the ESAWAS Regulators Association as determined by the Annual General meeting or Executive Committee from time to time.
- The Affiliate Member may not host an Annual General Meeting, serve on appointed committees, vote at the Annual General Meeting or hold office.
Individual Member
- An individual member is any WASH practitioner with not less than five years working experience in the sector related to water supply, sanitation, hygiene and health, policy or governance in the WASH sector. The individual may be a former WSS regulatory institution or Utility staff but should not have been in active service in that institution within one and half years of applying for membership.
- The Individual Member may participate in ESAWAS conferences, webinars and selected knowledge exchanges. They can be co-opted in ESAWAS assignments such as surveys, consultancies, publication preparation and delivery of training and have access ESAWAS information and publications at no cost.
- The Individual Member may not serve on appointed committees, vote at the Annual General Meeting or hold office.
Observers: Any institution or person can also be invited or apply to attend the Annual General Meeting as Observers. An institution or person shall only be allowed observer status for three consecutive Annual General Meetings and thereafter must apply for membership in the applicable category or cease to participate in the Annual General Meetings.
Observers may only participate in Annual General Meetings and have access to some documents and publications of the ESAWAS Regulators Association as determined by the Annual General meeting or Executive Committee from time to time.